Persuasive Essay On Standardized Testing

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Testing has always been very difficult for me. I get very nervous and I often have anxiety attacks. I hate multiple choice questions. I always freeze up and my reasoning skills go out the door. I know that having a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) didn’t help when it came to taking tests. I remember taking Standardized Tests when I was in Junior High and High School. I remember feeling helpless and lost. My teachers were wonderful and helped me through it the best they could. I remember that some of my teachers would provide practice quizzes and study guides so we could prepare and study before we had to take the Standardized Tests. Looking back at how good and bad I did on the Standardized Tests I would have studied more for the test I did poorly on, for example Math. I would have spent more time with my teachers having them explain one on one how to do Math problems or help me understand concepts that were hard for me. I know now that children who have (TBI’s) get help with Standardized Test or are tested differently. Going back I would have allowed my disability to help me instead of being stubborn and refusing help telling my parents, teachers, and school counselors “I don’t care if I have a disability I will be treated just like the other students and if I fail it’s …show more content…

I will need to be able to assist parent in interpreting their child’s standardized test scores. I will need to be able to explain why students are tested and explain what the different types of scores are. How I can help my parents is help them understand that these test are tools to track their student’s progress, strengths, weaknesses, and if their students is working up to their full potential. If my parents are really concerned I can provide them with information that will help answer any questions they have. I can also have my parents speak with the school’s counselors if they are still concerned after talking with

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