Persuasive Essay On Spending On Food

729 Words2 Pages

Some good choices I can make every day to decrease spending on food would be eating less junk food and more full, healthy meals, that way I won't have to spend money buying something to eat every few hours. I will be full from the meal. I could also eat at places that are less expensive. That would probably save me over $100 / year. Another thing I could do is not eat when I'm bored. Many people do this also. I can keep myself busy, that way I will not go blow money on food when I am not all that hungry.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese and chopped up steamed broccoli combined, a slice of toast, an apple, and a glass of milk
Lunch: grilled cheese sandwich, some raw carrots with ranch to dip in, a bowl of grapes, and a glass …show more content…

This thought will help me to not spend money on foods I do not need, that way I will be able to stay within my budget and still do the things I

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