Persuasive Essay On Self Driving Cars

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Self driving cars are making more and more strides to come into reality. Even some of the top brands are coming out with them. Google even has it’s own self driving car brand Waymo! Some say that these cars shouldn’t be allowed on the streets, but the positives about them outweigh by a lot. Some of the positives that come with these cars are they are safe, they save money, and they give you a better living standard. So, what do you say, do you want to switch lanes and climb onto the self driving car world?

Are you ever worried about how you’re going to get to work or you next destination? Are you worried about being there on time ? Self driving cars can change your lifestyle and the way you live. First, self driving cars can make you feel …show more content…

Well these new cars are smarter and even safer than humans like you! Some people argue that self driving cars won’t react fast enough if a sign or construction sign goes up, however these new technology cars have cameras and radars all over the cars. Research from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) showed that 95 out of 100 accidents on the road are caused by human mistakes. In addition, “Google’s fleet of self driving cars “have driving in autonomous mode for more than 1 million miles since 2009.” With this research done, these rookie cars should take over the roads. In fact, results of research tell that 38,300 deaths and 4.4 million severe injures in just the United States. If you think about it this amount of injuries and deaths that are caused by human, it will only grow larger in the U.S and other countries. These cars use a V2V technology that allows them to “talk” to each other using electric signals. With this technology the cars can tell where the other self driving cars are and how fast they are going. This will help the other cars with speed limits and road changes. Since these cars are run by computers, they are able to download new routes very quickly to avoid them. Alain Kornhauser, an advisor for a team of engineers at Princeton University says “It would be the risk to let autonomous cars roam more freely and “learn”, faster”. Self driving cars are safer than

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