Persuasive Essay On Self Driving Cars

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Self driving cars were once thought to be a very advanced car. In today's age, they are rarely seen and used in communities. People with disabilities would benefit from these vehicles due to their flexibility. It will provide freedom for individuals who need assistance in their everyday lives. Self driving cars should be the norm and not the exception to the public for the reason that they are safer than the average car, and there are also other reasons people rarely consider.
Safety for many people is the first priority on the road. If these were the cars were used regularly, we would increase safety while it would decrease deaths. Vehicular deaths cause upwards of 32,000 deaths happen every year in the U.S, along with worldwide it is around 1.3 million deaths. Most of which could have been prevented because 90-95% were human error. If we had self driving cars we could lower that number by eliminating human error by installing guided computers inside of our cars we would be safer on the road. The automated cars would have complicated algorithms telling the car the appropriate distance to stop at a light, furthermore a computer can’t get distracted from its task.
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Then there is texting and driving. One in every four accidents in the U.S. is from texting and driving. My cousin actually was in a car crash and broke both of her legs and needed many surgeries over multiple weeks. It was caused by someone that was texting and driving. They hit her on River Road in Windham Maine. They were in a truck when they crossed over the line and hit her head on. My cousin won’t be able to walk normally for a long time, if ever. Another big cause of not necessarily death, but fighting and damaging people's vehicles is road rage. This act causes many dollars in damage to cars. If we didn’t have people cutting each other off or other acts on the road we would cut back on vehicle

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