Persuasive Essay On Scottish Independence

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Following the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum in 2016, Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister of Scotland, just announced a second referendum on Scottish independence. Described by prevalent historical scholars as one of Scotland's most vital resolutions in many decades, the upcoming referendum will provide massive consequences for Scotland. A second referendum on Scottish independence will give Scottish voters an opportunity to decide whether or not they will remain a part of Great Britain or become an independent nation. The debate about whether or not Scotland should be independent is rooted in the matter of identity and nationhood, not policy. This can be characterised by the simple question; where do Scots feel, they belong? …show more content…

The Scots are less British and more Scottish than ever. But does his theory about a Scottish identity crisis put forward a justified case for Scottish independence? This is indeed a significant question as Scottish Independence would entail immense consequences. These vivid and unforeseen consequences of Scottish Independence is exactly the talking point in the article “My British identity is in Scotland's hands now” written by columnist Madeleine Bunting. The article was published on the website of The Guardian in June 2014 just before the first referendum on Scottish independence. Madelaine Bunting mentions how Scottish independence would involve denying “…the British identity that nearly all Scots have, as citizens of Great Britain…”. According to her, it would also involve turning their backs not only on a great deal of shared history and shared triumphs and disasters but on the cultural resemblances that exist today between Scots and the English. The likes of Barry Graham will claim that the shared identity will still find its expression, through the monarchy, the shared currency, and so forth. But keeping an identity alive calls for more than just symbols. It needs institutions and events that actively brings people together, for instance, the shared interest of sporting events such as Sunday

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