Persuasive Essay On Same Sex Marriage

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Same sex marriage is the new topic for the 20th century. Gay marriage is not a liberal or conservative issue, but an issue of enforcing the US Constitution's guarantee of equal protection and due process to all Americans. Just like skin color, sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic, so the gay minority must be protected from discrimination just as racial minorities are protected. Accordingly, the constitutional right to marry cannot be subject to a majority vote. The Constitution does guarantee freedom of religion for those who see homosexuality as inconsistent with their religion, but it also states that religious beliefs cannot be the basis for anti-gay rights legislation. It is time to end centuries of discrimination against gays and lesbians by upholding the Constitution's equal protection guarantees and eliminating state laws against gay marriage.For over a decade, research has examined the changes in attitudes toward same-sex marriage. There are many different angles that have impacted this. For example, race, ethnicity, gender, age are huge impacts on your opinion on same-sex marriages. The issue of gay marriage hit the national stage during the 20014 elections as a divisive issue meant to drive religious conservatives to the polls. Still today, this issue remains. Should gay and lesbian marriages be legal in all states? Yes they should because it would bring more money to the state, it would lower the suicide rating and possibly decrease divorce rate, and people should be rights as said in the fourteenth amendment. As of today, the following states have legalized gay marriage: Massachusetts (May 17, 2004), Connecticut (Nov. 12, 2008), Iowa (Apr. 24. 2009), Vermont (Sep. 1, 2009), New Hampshire (Jan. 1, 20...

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...he united citizens the government and citizens should relative that banning gay marriage is not giving everyone the equal rights they deserve. A person deserves to be who they are, this is what this court was founded on, equal rights for all. Even though, anti-gay do not practice and approve it really has nothing to do with them. It doesn’t affect anyone’s life but the person who is doing it. Just as woman gained the right to vote and slavery was abolished, America will come together and make the decision for what is right. It will help impact revenues for the states, giving them more money to build up the economy. Gay marriage will also let the hurting teens know that they are accepted even when their parents and friends think different. Happiness is deserved by people who are truly good people. And as the 14th amendment says they deserve there rights.

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