Persuasive Essay On Sacrifice

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Loving Sacrifice Throughout time people have made sacrifices in the name of love. A sacrifice is made when someone surrenders a possession for someone else. It is also giving up time with those one loves in order to keep them safe. Sacrifices can be made by giving up physical things, emotional things, and giving up opportunities that would drastically change one’s life. For instance people make physical sacrifices for love. People who volunteer in swimming competitions “give of themselves for the love of the aquatic sport”(Ingram 1). The athletes who practice the sport dedicate “countless hours” (Ingram 1) to fulfill their goals. Without dedicating a lot of time to the conditioning of their body they would not be able to harvest the fruits …show more content…

They do this to help their children pursue their goals. Even if a mother with children would try to reach her academic goals it would be difficult to accomplish, because of her “devotion to her children and lack of resources.”(White 1) A devoted mother ends up finding a way to “juggle work, marriage and motherhood, never suspecting that her balancing act wasn’t the most natural thing in the world”. (White 2) Great mothers give themselves to their children. They always make sure they are on the right path. A mother’s love encompasses “great sacrifice”, (White 1) it “is nurturing”, “fierce”, and “Intense”. (White1) A mother’s love is always willing to give up happiness in exchange of her children’s joy and success. Once does not just sacrifice one’s happiness so others can succeed. One sacrifices time to help others can …show more content…

They also have to deal with maintaining the church they work for. As pastors give a lot of their time to serve the members of their church and simply trying to maintain a balance with their work life, pastors go through "financial pressure, ministry pressure, loneliness of ministry" (Goetz 5) and "need of friendship". ( Goetz 5) Throughout the process of trying to cope with these pressures and still provide a great performance in their job and life the best way they can,pastors slowly start to fall into a "burn out bout". (Goetz 5) Some of the pastors who are overworked end up participating of pastoral counseling programs. Although, being overworked, In Why Pastors Steve Loves His Job seven out of ten pastors would not consider leaving their job and mare than eighty percent said if they had to do it all again they would choose a career

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