Persuasive Essay On Refugees Research Paper

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TJ Faber
Speech and Debate
30 September, 2016
Debate Entry Essay: “Resolved: The obligation to provide safe haven for refugees should outweigh a government's right to control its borders.”
“Refugees”. It’s as if ever time a person turns on the TV or browses the internet in the present day, there’s some news story about people seeking the safety of living in another country because their own is in disaster. Presently, the Syrian refugee crisis, where millions of Syrians are being displaced due to a civil war in their country, is at the headline of the national newspaper, but refugee displacement has been an issue for decades. The most notable crisis in the world’s history was at the end of World War II, where people escaping Hitler’s regime had to find a new home. It was at this time that Western Europe adopted its negative stance on immigration, turning their backs not just on legitimate people wanting to move into their country, but also on refugees from other countries. Their policies have stayed mostly the same up …show more content…

Unfortunately for lawmakers that prioritize their own citizen’s safety in the short term over the safety of those displaced by conflict, they will be missing out on the massive long-term benefits of refugees, including but not limited to a safer country for all citizens, a large economic

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