Persuasive Essay On Photoshop

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How would you feel if someone you knew right not at this moment was not eating just because they were scared of getting fat. This is a disease named anorexia, an eating disorder causing people to obsess about weight and what they eat. There are more than 20,000 US cases per year. One main cause is photoshop, photoshop leads people to believe that your not good enough. These people don’t realize that photoshop actually hurts people. Even though most people think that photoshop is there own personal problem when really the people have a right to know if they are being lied to. People should not be able to photoshop someone or something without a label because, labeling these photoshopped pictures will help people understand that what they are …show more content…

Randy Cohen an author at the New York Times states that, “Foes see such images as harming women by promoting a standard of beauty so false that it can be achieved solely by manipulating a photograph of an already slender model.” (Cohen). This quote is saying that these images and hurt people so much by just changing someone's waist line or taking away their acne. This changing of images can hurt people so much because they have no idea that what they are looking at isn’t real. The quote by Randy Cohen supports my claim because its saying that people can be hurt by these untruthful photos that are all over. These photos pop up everywhere from food commercials to a covergirl ad in a magazine. Real people need to know that what they are witnessing is not true. Author Aaron Horwath from Pixels has said that, “In 2013, Beyonce protested against H&M, refusing to allow them to make alterations to her body after a photoshoot for H&M’s swimwear line.” (Horwath). This quote means that even some of the worlds biggest stars don’t believe in the art of photoshop. Beyonce knew that if she was photoshopped in a swimwear magazine then she would hurt people she didn’t even know. This quote by Aaron Horwath supports my claim because even beyonce knew that photoshop is untruthful. She wouldn’t let people change her body just to look better, she even protested to H&M about it to make …show more content…

Randy Cohen from the New York Times states, “Last week the company fired the model in the ad, Filippa Hamilton. She says she lost her job because the company thought she had grown too fat. She’s a size 4, 120 pounds on a 5-foot-10 frame. The company says it ditched her because of her “inability to meet the obligations under her contract with us.” Just a crazy coincidence, I’ve no doubt.” (Cohen). Filippa Hamilton is an already beautiful and thin model, she does not need to be photoshopped. This quote is saying how she got fired because she gained pounds and did not keep up with the contract which is absolute bogus. The claim states that the modes we see on tv or in magazines are already very beautiful. The company did a horrible thing by firing Filippa because she gained too fat which was entirely untrue. This quote also is a direct interpretation of why models think they need photoshop, it's because people if companies like these make them think they are not good enough. Randy Cohen also says, “We must stop exposing impressionable children and teenagers to advertisements portraying models with body types only attainable with the help of editing software.” (Cohen). This quote supports all if my claims the most because of the way it states it words. It talks about how children and teenagers

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