Persuasive Essay On Obesity

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In today’s society, there is a spotlight on the topic of staying healthy and fit. In the recent years weight loss programs have become increasingly popular, for example, Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig. These companies drive their business on improving unhealthy dietary habits. But, this increasing popularity is due to numerous large sized drink and meal options becoming available. Higher intake of calories and sugars eventually causes obesity. Although eating is essential for survival, what you eat is a personal choice. Many government officials have made strides to improve America’s obesity problems; both Mayor Bloomburg and Michelle Obama have approached this topic. Rather than a public health issue, obesity is a personal responsibility.Government …show more content…

Most government officials see obesity as a public health issue and provide a quick fix. However, obesity is a personal issue which can be improved through education and the incorporation of personal responsibility. Radley Balko, a policy analyst and a columnist for Fox News, wrote the article, “Are You Responsible for Your Own Weight?” This article supports the argument for a change in the government’s involvement combating obesity. “Instead of intervening in the array of food options available to Americans, our government ought to be working to foster a personal sense of responsibility for our health and well-being (Balko 113). In other words, the government needs to be focusing on an individuals personal responsibility for their own weight, rather than creating proposals. The proposals enforced by the government restricts our choice to pick what we eat when instead they could come at the issue through educating a personal responsibility aspect. In addition, many people blame fast food corporation for rising obesity rates, but it is more a collective issue. Pierce Hollingsworth, vice president of Custom Media at Stagnito Media a publishing company focusing on the food and packing industry, wrote the article “The Food Industry Is Not to Blame for Obesity.” Hollingsworth said, “Making the food industry into villains over-simplifies a very complicated problem and deflects blame from parents and schools, who should be teaching children the values of physical activity and personal responsibility”(Hollingsworth 28). This means that both parents and schools are needed to foster this personal responsibility into students. Just as parents and schools are implementing this idea the government should support this sense of responsibility to combat obesity. Personal responsibility

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