Persuasive Essay On My Winter Coat

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As the saying goes, "every season has its small personal battles"... For instance in the spring, all the controversy is about deciding exactly when to switch from jeans or pants to skirts (that is truly a season-changing decision, because every woman knows that once you go bare legged, you can't go back). Then in summer, it's swamp ass... In the fall, it's a dilemma of finding the balance between enjoying pumpkin spice and not revealing yourself to be overtly basic. And in winter, it's learning the art of purchasing in the perfect coat. The thing which makes this whole winter coat thing so great is that once you've found it, you probably won't need to go through all of the shopping once again and for a very long time. The catch being that it's nearly impossible to find it in the first place. As early as December (yep) I at last ventured to start my winter coat search. This one being my fifth winter spent in Des Moines, Iowa, which means it's finally time to nail it. For my …show more content…

While being made out of cheap acrylics, even if it's from a designer with high price points - simply teach yourself to say no.Also quite often, coats that are advertised as "wool" are only some tiny percent wool, and in reality turn out to be consisting of more than 80% nylon and spandex. Keep in mind, that no polyester will keep you warm in a snow storm, and it also gives your sweat a really funky feet smell. Make sure you're buying a thing made to last, especially if you're getting to spend a sum. Tip #2: Brace yourself to be disappointed Locating the perfect winter coat in this big world of retailing is in some ways akin to losing your virginity. The first try to make that happen can turn to be that "it" might not fit, and it will hurt. All because you really wanted this to be the one, but you just have to keep trying until you get it right. The very same goes about choosing a right anything, this time - a winter coat. Tip #3: Stay

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