Persuasive Essay On Music Education

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In California, The Music for All Foundation used information from the California Basic Educational Data System. They did a five year study on the statistics of declining academic music programs from all the schools in the state from 1999 through 2004. They found that students involved in music education courses dropped by 50%. The truth is that it is not just California, it’s across the United States. There is a lack of money and horrendous budget cuts that need to be made. Schools look at music programs first to give the boot. Why are the schools cutting back and taking away such a precious knowledge of music from their students? Being enabled with musical knowledge has numerous benefits to individuals mentally, physically, and socially.
On The Huffington Posts, Peter Greene, who loves music. Has a very different approach on defending music education says, “There are so many reasons for music education. Soooooooo many. And ‘it helps with testing’ or ‘makes you do better in other classes’ belong near the bottom of that list.” (1) He does not like the fact that people who argue music should stay in schools only defense for the claim will make students better in class. They learn a valuable skill and now can use their own imagination, rather than someone else. I know from personal experience that all the general classes like history and math can drain me. Music and the arts leave me wanting more, full of self driven motives to get my work done. Expressing emotions and using my own thinking does rather than someone else’s thoughts. Learning what newton was thinking and his work in our science classes. For example, music has that aspect as well, “You know and like going through kind of a curriculum about people who have already gone through, or have already done the hard work of figuring out the instrument, and then putting it in an organized way for you.” (Jasper Nephew 2) Music also has a very important creative side to it. I love seeing everyone’s work and thoughts, as well as creating my own. Those classes are no worse than any other program, and they are well needed, but I also agree that music
Many people like Jasper it is literally their entire life and would be devastated to see it disappear. “Man, how has music impacted my life? Everyday, just pure enjoyment, like I get so much happiness from music. Just listening to music, playing music, so there 's that, there 's that side of my personal enjoyment of music” (Jasper Nephew 3) Music is very healthy for our brains, as well as to our spirits. I can 't find anyone who doesn’t enjoy music. Being enabled with musical knowledge has numerous benefits to individuals mentally, physically, and socially. I believe music education should be in our schools and available for any individual who wants to pursue

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