Persuasive Essay On Medical Marijuana

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Medical marijuana has been a topic of discussion in recent years due to it being made legal in several states here in the U.S. From cancer patients to people who suffer from PTSD, medical marijuna has made its way into several thousands of peoples lives and helping them live their life more fulfilled. My mom is currrently a medical marijuana patient and watching her go from popping several prescription drugs to only needig one dose of marijuana each day, only provs to me there is a medicine practice within this plant.

I am no advocate for marijuana by any means but i do believe people who are seeking a new alternative to prescription drugs should have a talk with their doctor about getting a medical marijuana card. Where it is legal i believe there is plenty of people out there who are tired of the pills and the side effects of them. Now people may argue that marijuana is still a Schedule 1 drug to the federal goverment but states have taken actions to prevent people from being wrongfully incarcerated just because they are a medical marijuana patient.

Now you cant just GET a medical marijuana card, you have to pass …show more content…

Since then, California, Colorado, Alaska, and Connecticut have all established laws regarding the use of medicinal marijuana and how states will go about regulating the plant considering it is still a Schedule I drug classified by the DEA. “United States Department of Justice 2016”. Most of the research I have gathered from various government outlets have led me to believe that marijuana, although still considered a substance in which you can be imprisoned for, has great medical value and should have a chance at being legal around the United States to help those who seek an alternative to prescription drugs and give people a chance to see the light coming from this miracle

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