Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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New polls are showing an increase want of marijuana to be legalized among states. Currently a poll was done by Quinnnipiac and it showed that 61% of Americans are for legalizing recreational use for marijuana. 94% say it should be legal for medicinal use and 70% say it should be left up to states to legalize it. However, some people in legislation, especially Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He is known to be old school and once even quoted, “I am astonished to hear people suggest that we can solve our heroin crisis by legalizing marijuana.” Currently 8 states have legalized recreational use of marijuana and 21 states and Washington D.C. have legalized marijuana more medical use. In present time, ⅗ of nation is in a state that has legalized marijuana of some form. Sessions has been noted to say, there is a New War on Weed. Sessions and the Trump team currently do not have any deal in progress in terms of legalizing marijuana. The controversy of legalized pot …show more content…

On the 8th of July in 2014, marijuana became legal in Washington State. A new proposition for marijuana is too deliver marijuana to the doorstep of buyers. Bringing marijuana to the doorsteps of buyer creates controversy because it takes away the cameras and the witnesses to the purchases. The next proposal is to license home grown pot. The current allows grower to have six plants and people that are not in the database to grow are allowed to have up to four plants. If this were to get passed by legislation, anyone who obtains a license to grow, can grow as much product as they like. The next clause introduced is to protect hemp growers. Hemp is in multiple household products. This new proposal will eliminate hemp from the state’s schedule 1 list. Meaning it would protect growers from the new Commerce Clause that was installed by Jeff Sessions to now further challenge the cannabis

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