Persuasive Essay On Juveniles

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When it comes to the situation in society whether the things we justify are right or wrong are debated immensely. Some are agreed upon consequently some will never have a final verdict. Over the years laws over juvenile sentencing have been questioned whether under-age criminals should be treated differently when it comes to being sentenced in a court of law over crimes committed. I affirm that juveniles under the confounds of the law should be held accountable in age-appropriate sentencing in order to advocate the beginning of a rehabilitation process. Even after some of the hardships most of these juveniles may have committed there should always be a path towards redemption.
In the contemporary days where we have witnessed humans under the age of the legal adult limit of 18 have been prone to commit horrendous crimes that one would consider a minor wouldn't possibly do. The reality in modern times with the heavy influences of society the developing minds of young human beings have been subject to dealing with heavy emotions that some have fallen into doing damage to someone or to something. After the damage has been done, one must ask themselves, how should we handle the juvenile criminals? In the past some children as young as 14 have been sentenced to life in prison without parole. This means they will never …show more content…

Some of these cases are subjected in murder charges. They will serve their time must be proven that they still have a window open in the confounds of society where they must work to become a better person. These young inmates could pursue an education in prison while they try and improve from the state they are in. Others might want to start working in the prison in pursuit of jobs to develop their skills. Eventually they will be released as rehabilitated human beings and bless them with some tools and be prepared for the real world once they're

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