Persuasive Essay On Joining The Military

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It’s my junior year of High school and I’ve been thinking about my future a little more and I’ve come to a conclusion that I want to serve my country. This is a big decision I have made and many others have too. I’ve had the honor to interview 4 military people who are retired and still serving. They’ve expressed their experience in the Army and Navy; I could see that when they joined this switched their life for the good.

There is always a background story why people made the decision on joining the military. When I was interviewing Combat Crillo he mentioned that “ Nothing really influenced me to join the military I was just bored at home, I would always come home from school and go straight to playing video games and I got tired of that and wanted to see if I could make it through the army and sure enough I managed to do just that.” When interviewing Mr. Crillo it became very apparent what his motivation to join was to take a challenge nothing really interesting was going on his daily life it had lack of meaning which made him choose this …show more content…

Which means it’s coming with discipline; all men and women should follow rules that are given to them. When Sargent Perfetto was serving he explained that “ There are many rules you follow in the navy the way you wear your uniform to proper facial. No drugs and definitely no drinking and driving”. This is highly important being able to follow the rules in the military. We are learning these basic skills right now in school in which we should be able to corporate as a adult. Sergeant Perfetto also mentioned that there a lot of rules that comes being part of the navy. Also Combat Crillo mentioned to me that “ Yes, discipline is key on the military. Everything we do is professional, uniform appearance clean shave and haircut at all times.” They develop self control, character, and efficiency while being in the military which becomes a life skill later on for

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