Persuasive Essay On Gun Violence

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The shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary sparked a great deal of public awareness and led to an unprecedented debate regarding gun violence. According to the U.S. Secret Service, there is no profile for a school shooter. However, since shootings tend to be planned in advance and oftentimes youth tell others of the plan, a threat assessment approach was recommended. After Sandy Hook, millions of TV viewers were tuned into various politically motivated mass media debates. Media bias in favor of the NRA's view of the Second Amendment (as protecting individual gun ownership) was so pervasive that even many gun-control supporters seemed unaware that the federal high courts never found a gun law to have violated the Second Amendment. While it well known that guns do contribute to the many fears of students today, this behavior in America's neighborhoods cannot be ignored. Impact of gun violence has a devastating and long lasting effect on community. As victims and families recover, basic research continues in search of answers. Motivation for shootings is hard to pin down, however gender is the single most obvious variable when it comes to gun violence in America. From an early age, boys learn that aggressive behavior is an acceptable norm and fighting is essentially a male gender role. Young men are taught by watching TV or from social media that sports figures who are involved in violent crimes usually end up with lucrative contracts and regarded as sports legends. Throughout adolescents boys are guided by various agents of socialization, from family to school, media and peer groups become keys to a young man’s social stability. As boys mature they eventually develop their own gender expressions evident in the ways they dress, act or ... ... middle of paper ... ...nger know how to leave and report without fear. The shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary were horrifying and sparked a new public debate and awareness about gun control. While guns have a say in the fears of students, gang activity in America's neighborhoods cannot be ignored. Impact of peer pressure, gang membership and power associated with gun violence has a devastating and long lasting impact on community. While the motivation for mass school shootings is hard to pin down, gender is the most obvious variable when it comes to gun violence. Socialization is a lifelong process which includes learning new norms and values. For some of these youths gang becomes an alternative way to transition from adolescence to adulthood. Lack of availability of socially tolerable rites of passage from childhood to adulthood is not a good justification for the development of gangs.

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