Persuasive Essay On Greyhound Dog Racing

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Although people love dog racing and gain a lot of money out of it. It is a very dangerous sport for dogs to participate in. It is so dangerous to a dog that it can even cause death because they are not taken care of right. The greyhound racing industry will treat dogs like machines. The few minutes on the track is the only freedom they have for a long time. They spend countless hours in side of a cramped up cages or kennels. There are countless numbers of greyhounds that die each year some even before they ever see the track. The dogs start racing at 18 months of age and many don’t reach the retirement age of 4 or 5. Sickness and injuries claim the lives of many dogs. Ever since 2008 there has been more than 11,700 greyhound injuries that have been documented nationwide, including heatstroke, electrocution,fractured skulls, heart attacks, broken necks, even including 3,00 broken legs. But recently in Florida home to half the nation's race tracks wasn't even required to report the greyhound injuries to the public. This means that the total number of injuries is undoubtedly far higher. In addition, nearly 1,000 greyhound deaths have been …show more content…

There are too many dogs dying and being mistreated. It has gotten to where there are trainers drugging their dogs up to win money it's cruel and should be stopped completely. It is past the point of where it can be fixed this sport is cruel and harsh I am not speaking for myself there are plenty of people who are against greyhound racing. The efforts for the cruelty is great but not great enough we still have this horrible sport even here in Texas and the breeding that should be illegal is still allowed. Even though that 66 percent of gambling on dog racing has decreased it is still happening and everyone should be aware of how these dogs are being treated. In conclusion this sport should be outlawed and the price for participating in it should be a higher

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