Persuasive Essay On Gdp Vs Us

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America is considered the greatest country on earth, mostly by other americans ironically; why do we say this? Is it because we have the best military and our GDP is the highest on earth the highest? What is the reason we are so great and what lead people to think this? The United States of America has the most military power in the world. We spend 664 billion dollars on the defense budget which is 2.4% of our total GDP. For comparison, Russia who is in debatably in second place for the strongest military spends only 47 billion dollars on defense. The United States spends over 14 times that on the defense budget. And also, with more money there is obviously more techno-gadgets and cool stuff that will absolutely obliterate anything …show more content…

China in the only country that even comes remotely close to us at 11.7 trillion dollars for their GDP. This staggeringly great number makes the United States a powerhouse in the global markets. Another reason the States are awesome is because of the amount of freedoms we are entitled to. Americans didn’t come close to inventing democracy but we saw mistakes our fellow humans had made with monarchy’s and decided that wasn’t for us. In the end we came up with a republic and its not perfect but it’s about at close as it can get to it. Additionally we have something called, “Due Process.” This means that everyone is entitled to rights and that the government can't just lock you up for without reason for an unknown amount of time. We are also great for all the cool and amazing stuff that has come out of this country over the past two centuries. Airplanes were invented here and now look at how big of an impact they make in the world. Also, we defeated a psychopathic, hypocritical, megalomaniac determined to take over the world. As well as defeating an imperialist Japan and stopping them from taking over the pacific. Some other honorable mentions are “Coke, McDonalds, The Air Conditioner, The Internet” and a bunch of other

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