Persuasive Essay On Food Waste

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Imagine a world where everybody gets food. This way, no single person starves wanting food. Every year, food is wasted by the people that are fortunate enough to have and afford food. If people did stop wasting as much food, the people that are not so fortunate can have the food they need. The articles “Ending world hunger by stopping food waste in the fields” and “U.S. throws away half of all food produce” show how food is wasted around the world and how food waste should be reduced around the world. Food waste is a great problem and obstacle in today’s society and should immediately be stopped. Although others may disagree, it clear that food waste can easily be reduced and solved if humans did not buy an ample amount of food and donated …show more content…

Many people go to the store and buy food and groceries. A lot of them, buy food that is not needed. For example, some people buy food that will last them a week but in 4 days, it would have gone bad. This causes them to throw out and waste the food they did not need to buy. In the article “U.S. throws away half of all food produce” it states,” Huge quantities of fresh produce in the United States are left in the field to rot, fed to livestock or hauled from the field to a landfill.” This conveys how food is wasted because there is too much of it. People buy too much food and it eventually goes bad or they just do not eat it because they have other food. If people did not buy so much food, they would have the perfect amount of food and very little or none at all would be wasted. If people did not buy as much food in the first place, there would not be any food to waste or throw …show more content…

If people do buy too much food, instead of throwing it out, they can donate it to those in need. More than 700 million people around the world do not have the proper food or any food to eat each day. Instead of feeding the food to the trash, it can be used to feed someone who needs the food. In the article “Ending world hunger by stopping food waste in the fields” it states,” One in every 9 people on the planet – 795 million in all – still goes to sleep hungry.” This quote articulates how so many people do not have food to eat everyday. These people starve while others have too much food that they have to start wasting food. If people did not waste food and instead donated it, nobody would starve or waste

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