Persuasive Essay On Fear And Doubt

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Many times, fear and doubts make us freeze and avoid us to take action, while disguising themselves as rational arguments.

There are a lot of example of common actions that are self sabotaging for the person like a guy who goes out with a girl he really likes, however moments before the date he is not very well and cancels the date. Or perhaps a girl who has started a new project that can mean a great change and advancement in her life, but she never has time to finish it so she never really starts what could potentially be a life changing event. Perhaps we have all been there sometime.

On numerous occasions people are involved in this type of dynamics. In certain cases the circumstances aren’t really …show more content…

The most important difference between people who sabotage themselves and those who do not, is that those who do are driven by fear and by their beliefs that they will not achieve whatever it is they want, while the others (people who don’t sabotage themselves) are able to leave behind the fears they might have and overcome all the thoughts that cause them a feeling of insecurity.

What we need to do when facing any type of important event is not to avoid the fear, but to be aware of it and act accordingly, without letting it invade our mind and much less paralyze us.

When the person becomes aware of both their fears and their own beliefs, in many cases irrational, it is much easier to choose the most appropriate decisions and avoid carrying out actions that sabotage or obstruct their aspirations.

Common ways of self-sabotage
Avoid finishing

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