Persuasive Essay On Drones Today

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Drones of Today In a world of multiple advancements in technology, how can one not ponder about the negative aspects of these upgrades? Drones are fantasized as an idea of the future where technology and robots take part in the lives of everyone. Films, books, and the imaginations of others depict the mechanical and technological advancements as an amazing upgrade to the world. Some companies are planning to use drones for delivering items. As of today, drones are used for farming and war. Though many people believe in the benefits of using drones, some have not come to understand the negative aspects of using these machines for warfare. These disadvantages include the invading of privacy, traumatization of citizens, and the killing of innocent …show more content…

Due to terrorism attacks, the U.S. government have searched for suspected terrorists. They will then send drones to spy on every action of these people even if they are not truly a part of terrorist acts. “Legal experts are concerned about the potential for drones to violate People’s right to privacy under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Source A).” It is argued, however, that this law only applies to police. Still, people of the public wish to keep their privacy, as it is a natural right. As Jay Stanley stated, “We don’t want the government hovering over our cities and towns 24/7 and tracking everywhere that everyone goes (Source A).” The use of drones to investigate people not only violates the privacy of citizens, it violates the international humanitarian law as they are killing targets. “Under the international humanitarian law, the targeted individual must be directly participating in hostilities with the United states (Source K).” This means that the military, government, or any other organization cannot kill a potential terrorist just because they are suspected to be one. “Simply being suspected of some connection to a “militant” organization- or, under the CIA’s policy of “signature” drone strikes, fitting the profile of a terrorist in an area where terrorists are known to operate- is not legally sufficient to make someone a permissible target for killing (Source …show more content…

Many people of suspected terrorist “hang out” places are killed due to attacks from drones. Based on evidence recorded, “as many as 1,147 people in Yemen and Pakistan, including children, were killed in U.S. drone strikes targeting 41 suspected terrorists on the top secret U.S. “kill list” (Source I).” According to some studies, almost 8 to 17% of all people that are killed in drone attacks are, in fact, civilians. Even though this seems to be a small number, it still is a big piece of the population in these areas. The civilians that have survived are left traumatized from the attacks. Children are afraid to go to school, adults are afraid to go to work, family events, or any other form of gathering in large groups of people. Logically, how can we think that they are the only ones performing terrorist

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