Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving

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Drinking and Driving vs. Driving Sober In the world today there are many incidents and accidents that are caused from people being under the influence of alcohol while behind the wheel. Not only is this happening whenever people hear it on the news, but it's happening all over the world more than anyone thinks. There are many different things that are wrong with drinking and driving. One of the biggest reasons not to drink and drive is the risk of your life. Anytime someone is drunk and start to drive they are putting their life on the line each and every time. In 2008, 11,773 people were killed from a drinking and driving accident. This statistic doesn't just record for the driver stats. This stat is on both sides of the picture, from the drunk driver plus any passengers and or pedestrians walking or driving down the road. Drunk driving is defiantly not the smartest or safest thing to do and the stats prove it. Another reason why drinking and driving is very bad and should stop is because not only is the person risking their own life, but they are harming everyone else's life around them. The number of …show more content…

They will go from increasing to decreasing. Most people in the world right now are either learning from these different statistics and are being safer about it. Or there are people who still don’t even care and are constantly drinking and driving. That is the reason why the change in this isn't constant, it is constantly changing. All of this nonsense about drinking and driving is all common sense. If people would just think and use their head they wouldn’t be ruining their lives or ruining someone else's. Driving is by far the most popular for stupid decisions and driving while intoxicated but there are other things people can do as well that could harm them and anyone else around them. If people are drinking it changes there whole personality and what they might do, and that is why drinking can be

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