Persuasive Essay On Dog Debarking

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Dog Procedures

There are many people in the world that hate the way something about them looks. So their way of changing that is to undergo a surgery to fix their imperfections. There are also many ways that you can do the same exact thing with a pet. With any pet there is always things that people might want to change for a health reason or a cosmetic reason. With these procedures there are many pros, but there are also many cons that come with it.

There are many procedures that people can choose for their dog, but the most common is ear cropping. Ear cropping is usually preformed when the puppy Is between 6 to 12 weeks old. Cropping is when the veterinarians take the floppy part of the puppies ears and cut them off. This makes the …show more content…

All dog have things that they bark at whether that be at other dogs, the mailman, or absolutely nothing at all. Some dogs have very sharp and loud barks that can hurt peoples ears. To prevent this people undergo the procedure of debarking. Debarking removes two folds of the tissue that are on each side of the dog's voice box (laryx) .

In order to change the sound, these folds must close over the larynx, so they are removed. Debarking however can save dogs lives. Many people get rid of their dog if it barks too much, thus sending them to the pound. It can also help to debark your dog if you live anywhere where the neighbors can hear the dog barking. This procedure can help the relationship with the owner and the dog because the owner wont have to constantly get onto the dog.

This procedure is very helpful is an owner lives in an apartment or anywhere that someone can easily hear a dog. The procedure doesn’t completely change how the dog barks. It only softens it. It makes the bark not so loud and sharp to the ears. When the dog recovers from the surgery, many of them don’t seem to notice at all that their bark is any different. Resulting in them barking just like normal, but it is much softer to the human

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