Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

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Distracted Driving is rampant on our roadways, killing hundreds each year. Unfortunately, it is easier than ever to drive distracted. Auto makers are putting technology into our vehicles that allows us to make phone calls, dictate texts or emails and update social media while we are behind the wheel – all actions that are proven to increase crash risk (“Distracted Driving: Problem of Cell Phone Distracting Driving”). Many people have lost brothers, sisters, friends and family because of the actions of others. Distracted Driving is a serious problem that is causing million injures or even death, but together we can stop this. Distracted driving needs to stopped, we need to look at what has happened and find the solutions to …show more content…

When you Google “distracted driving groups”, you will find varied results of individuals joining to increase awareness on distracted driving, on a local or countrywide basis. ("What Is Being Done to Stop Distracted Driving? - Safe Teen Driving Blog"). Many organizations such as SAJD (Stay Alive Just Drive) and TOADD (Texting Organization Against Distracted Driving). Cell phone companies are also campaigning to stop the use of phones while driving – It Can Wait! Texting while driving was estimate to be involved in 200,000+ vehicle crashes in 2012, often involving injuries and deaths. That’s why AT&T is committed to putting an end to texting and driving. They are trying to educate the safeness and awareness of the dangers of texting and driving. No text is worth a life…It Can Wait (“Mars Can Wait”). AT&T is starting to address the issues by a no text and driving pledge, driving behavior changes, teen education, AT & T Driving Mode, stimulators and well as television commercials. People are coming together to try and stop this worldwide problem because they might have lost a loved one because of someone else’s reckless

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