Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

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What is the first thing you do when you start the car? Do you put on your seatbelt, or how about plug your phone into the radio to listen to music? Or maybe you turn on Maps and get direction to where you are going. Do you ever get a notification, text or call when you are driving and just instinctively pick up your phone and before you know it you are looking at it. This is really common and everyone has done it at least once, I know I have many times. It is hard to completely ignore your phone when driving and everyone has felt this pain. This is why distracted driving is rising. We are constantly on our phone to the point of when we are not supposed to be on it, we still find a way. The state of Wisconsin actually does quite a bit to try and prevent distracted driving from happening, but can we really put the blame on their shoulders when an accident happens? The state does not …show more content…

So first the punishment for distracted driving: “Fines for distractive driving violations range from $20 to $400. For texting or doing something while driving that interferes with the person’s ability to drive safely, a judge can fine the driver anywhere from $20 to $400. For all other violations, the fine can range between $10 and $40 for a first violation and $50 to $100 for a second violation within a year.” (Wisconsin's Text-Messaging and Cellphone-Use-Driving Laws Paragraph 7). This does not seem that severe, but this is actually the minimum offence you can get. Punishment piles if you caused destruction while distracted driving all the responsibility goes to you. If you damaged anything you have to pay for it. If you injured or killed someone you could go to jail for murder or attempted murder. If you crash it could cost your life. The punishment for distracted driving itself is not that bad but the punishment for anything you cause during that time is the severe

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