Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

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There are many things that may distract a driver while driving but the biggest one is texting and driving, around 16, 000 people from 2001 to 2007 were killed while texting and driving. Although Florida is trying very hard to bring a stop this problem there is definitely more that could be done. Some people may say that there isn't much you can do since people do what they want whether you tell them not to or not, but there is. The state could have a set force of police patrolling that just look for distracted drivers, there could be more laws about distracted driving and they could even make texting and driving a primary offense instead of a secondary because it is dangerous for themselves and others on the road. Driving is a privilege and …show more content…

One being that they made texting and driving a secondary offense, which means the driver can't be pulled over for texting and driving, but if they get pulled over for a primary offense first then they will get in trouble for texting while driving. Why can't texting while driving be a primary offense? When someone is texting and driving they are completely destracted from the road and can cause harm to themselves or people around them. According to the article "What is destracted driving" it states "In 2016 alone, 3,450 people were killed. 391,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers in 2015." So why can't texing while driving be a primary offense? It is just as dangerous or even more as some of the primary offenses. So first off by making texting and driving a primary offense it would definitely stop a lot of people from texting and driving. Another way they are helping is by educating people about the dangers of texting and driving which is alright but people are going to do what they want. They won't think back to a speech they heard about the dangers of texting and driving while they are distracted talking on the phone or texting. It most likely won't even cross their mind. Although it is getting it in peoples minds that texting while driving is dangerous it won't stop people from doing

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