Persuasive Essay On Cyberbullying

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Cyberbullying is a major problem in todays society. The internet is truly a great way to get information to the mass amount of people fast. This is useful in so many situations, but with it being so easily assessable to often can come with many consequences that our youth are living with everyday. They are becoming targets and subjected to being harassed, embarrassed , and victims of cyberbullying . What is cyberbullying? According to National Crime Prevention Council “Cyberbullying is similar to other types of bullying, except it takes place online and through text messages sent to cell phones. Cyberbullies can be classmates, online acquaintances, and even anonymous users, but most often they do know their victims.” Cyber bullying often …show more content…

It is easier to hide behind a computer than to say hurtful things in real life. Cyberbullying has no limits or restrictions .Therefore; the offender can attack anywhere at anytime, even in the victim's own home or bedroom. There are two kinds of individuals who might find the need to bully people, the ones who are popular and then the ones who want to be popular. According to (www. Delete “ Popular kids and teens may bully because , they see it as a way to stay popular , and or hurting others makes them feel powerful.” It is very important to teens and youth to be in the “In” crowd. The need to be popular and have people like them is very overpowering and peer pressure takes a hold and makes people do things that they know are wrong us to stay in the crowd. Using phrases such as “Your Fat!” “You’r a loser.” “ You’re a nobody.” “ None would care if you were dead.” These remarks directly have teens and youth thinking about suicidal thoughts.At what cost is cyberbullying ever the answer) A case that had unfortunate outcomes was about a young woman who was 16 years old and had been texting her boyfriend a naked picture of herself. After the boyfriend broke up with her. He posted the picture all over the internet. This leaked photo had many youth name calling the young women “SLUT” “WHORE” and destroyed her reprecation. …show more content…

Many youth suffers so much embarrassment from being cyberbulling that they many don't want to return to school. According to ( cyberbullyinghotline.) “ Three million kids per month are absent from school due to bully,.” That many kids missing school a year is hard to register. The education of students is greatly affected and most likely caused a decline in grades. Another effect that could happen is not wanting to talk to others face to face. This can cause youth to develop anxiety when speaking to others. Social interactions may become award and forced. Depression may also become a factor after being bullied. Depression often leaves teens and youth feeling alone and abandoned. These symptoms often lead to more serious thoughts of bodily harm and sometimes if the harassment is bad enough it can even lead to suicide . “This new focus on cyberbullying has, in part, been driven by recent news media highlighting the connection between cyberbullying and adolescent suicides .” ( Kiriakidis

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