Persuasive Essay On Competitive Sports

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Competitive sports have recently been a very debatable issue. Competitive sports are great in many ways. There are also multiple terrible things about competitive sports. Competitive sports causes high levels of stress. Competitive sports also can cause injuries not only brain injuries but all kinds of injuries. Competitive also create bad traits. Therefore, competitive sports are dangerous for children. First of all, children should not have to deal with high levels of stress at a such a young age. Children with a high level of stress will sometimes feel like they don’t have enough time for homework or free time. Or they feel like they have too much on there plate. According to Jacqueline Stenson, “But the pressure can be too much for …show more content…

There are many concussions received while playing sports that you could not even imagine. In fact, Concussions and Sports article says that “an estimated 1.6-3.8 million sports- and recreation-related concussions occur in the United States each year.” There is only 7.4 billion people living on the earth and 1.6-3.8 million are getting concussions per year just by playing competitive sports. Emagine if no one played sports practically no one in the united states would get concussions from playing sports. Jacqueline Stenson says that children receive “painful injuries.” (Stenson) If children are getting painful injuries why do they keep on playing. Why would people play while knowing what could happen. Jeff Pearlman says “... He could suffer the same fate or worse” he is saying this as he is talking to his son. If people get such injuries, why do kids play sports? Some parents make children play, because if they stick with it they will get a scholarship. But, that’s no use if you're going to get life time injuries. Another quote by Adam Buckley Conen that supports my reason is, a little boy says, “Dad I’m scared I only have one brain and I don’t want to hurt it playing football.” This child was thinking about his future and he is right, you only get one brain. If you hurt it, it may not heal. Overall, sports cause way too many different kinds of injuries, from toe injuries to brain

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