Persuasive Essay On Child Soldiers

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All throughout the world children are forced to do something that no child would ever want to do. Be a child soldier. On the battlefield children can either kill others or be killed. Over 300,00 child soldiers are active in the world conflicts. Many child soldiers are kidnapped, drugged and forced to kill others. Child soldiers should be given amnesty since it wasn’t their decision to kill/ harm others.

In some parts of the world, such as Sudan there are countless numbers of boys who are kidnapped and trained as a soldier. “Hundreds of boys in South Sudan have been kidnapped and forced to become child soldiers”, the United Nations children's agency says. Most range from the ages of 8-17 and they get taken away from their families at the most crucial time in their childhood. By given amnesty to the child soldiers who were kidnapped and didn’t sign up to be in the military themselves, then they could finally live a free life since they got that taken away from them when they were kidnapped and shipped into conflict at an immature age. …show more content…

“Brainwashed by his commanders, force-fed a mixture of cocaine and gunpowder called brown brown, Beach was transformed into a killing machine”. Beah is just one of the many examples of kids getting drugs so they can kill without thinking twice about it. Not only is taking drugs bad in general, but taking them as kids is even worse, they can get many side effects that can impact their future. “Drugs are chemicals that tap into the brain's communication system and disrupt the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information”, if children can not process information correctly then they can not see and think correctly, which is very dangerous especially if they are carrying around a

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