Persuasive Essay On Child Abuse

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Child abuse is a global problem Child abuse in the U.S. is a shame to our American society and an unnecessary act that achieves nothing but bad actions towards another person. In the U.S. child abuse has increased along the years and just seem to be getting more horrendous. It is a recurring issue that has been happening all around the world to innocent young children and most of these cases are being kept quiet about because they are too scared to tell someone what is really going on behind a closed door. Child abuse on a child is just as bad to someone who is witnessing it and still chooses not to take a stand and help them out. The government should be against child abuse because it makes children feel unsafe and ruins several children …show more content…

According to an article based on child abuse “The HHS indicates in Child Maltreatment 2008 states CPS agencies received about 3.3 million reports of child maltreatment involving 6 million children.”(Doak, Defining Child Abuse and Domestic Violence) Child abuse whether it is physical, emotional, neglect or sexual it usually is caused by either parents, guardians or others who take care of the child. Physical abuse is distinguished by injuries such as beating or by harsh discipline. Pushing around a child excessively by either smacking, beating, shaking, shoving, stabbing, throwing, kicking, choking or biting are all under the category of physical abuse because that is the harm that is left on a child’s body after that type of abuse. In most cases the abuser isn’t really aware of how much force they use on their victim, it’s them showing a sign of discipline on the child In some studies it is stated that two out of three children are physically abused. Some physical signs for this abuse would be unexplained injuries that are not affected by normal childhood activities, repeated injuries such as from a hand, a belt …show more content…

It is the involvement of a child in sexual activity who don’t really understand and are unable to consent to. It is sad to imagine that most children will never admit or report this abuse. A statistic states that 50% of victims know their abusers who they trust and respect. There are several examples that could be stated for this abuse but most of them are known such as child sex tourism which a child travels to another place in order to get payed for their duties, kissing or holding in a sexual manner and/or forcing a child to touch someone else. Some signs from a child may be troubling standing or sitting down, stained clothes, swelling, bruising and or

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