Persuasive Essay On Cheating

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Cheating is when a student takes someone else 's work or ideas and claims that it is theirs. Many students have cheated at some point in their life. One study shows that "73 percent of all test takers, including prospective graduate students and teachers agree that most students do cheat at some point. 86 percent of high school students agreed" (Jaffe). Students cheat for reasons such as too much homework, the pressure they receive, to help out a friend, opportunity, and laziness.
One reason students cheat is that others cheat and get away with it. Students think that because other students cheat and receive the same grade as they received when they worked hard, then they should be allowed to cheat too. Someone should not be allowed to not …show more content…

Students have jobs after school and do not have enough time to complete the homework or study for a big test. Another study shows that "students interviewed have been seen to argue that they are given large workloads within deadlines that they unable to complete" ("Research about Cheating"). When students need to turn in homework or pass a test that they did not have enough time to prepare for, then they will go to whatever extreme is necessary. To many students, it is more important to get good grades than to learn (Jaffe). Many students do not care if they advance in their academic career. They will turn in the work to please parents and teachers. If there was less homework, than students might not feel the need to cheat to complete their …show more content…

Students take opportunities when they arise. If a student leaves their test uncovered, another student may take the opportunity to copy off of them. If a teacher is not paying attention or leaves the room, the student may feel the need to cheat, especially if the risk of getting caught is low. Technology is another way they can cheat. Students will use the opportunity of the teacher leaving the room to pull out their phone to look up answers or text a friend. Research shows that “students can sneak in with their phones to classrooms and use them to do all the work that they need” (“Research About Cheating”). Opportunity gives students the desire to cheat. Students think cheating will work out well and do not think about the consequences. If there were fewer opportunities for a student to cheat, then they would not be able to cheat as

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