Persuasive Essay On Body Language

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Your body language shapes who you are, and its effects on how others see us. But how is it that “power posing” - standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident can increase our confidence? And how can you fake it till you become it? Social psychologist Amy Cuddy explains how. Amy Cuddy TED Talks April 13, 2014 Social psychologist Amy Cuddy offers a “free no-tech life hack” and the only thing required is to change our posture for two minutes. Amy ask us if we have ever seen the way we sit down, and if many of us are making ourselves smaller, for example; hunching, crossing legs, or wrapping our ankles. And even that we do not notice our own posture, other people will. That is because everyone is fascinating with body language. Amy refers to a video of a handshake between a police man and the President of the United States and then the …show more content…

According to Amy these two things are correlated to each other, since people with high power tend to participate more in classes. But do our nonverbal behavior govern how we think and feel about ourselves? Amy explained this by saying that when we feel happy we smile, but when we are forced to hold a pencil between our teeth we smile and therefore feel happy. Therefore when you force yourself to be powerful, you are more likely to feel powerful. Is it also true that our bodies change our minds? Amy answered this question with science. Stating that when you make yourself big by rising your hands or adopting a powerful, dominant posture for two minutes you will release testosterone and lower your cortisol, then changing your behavior. And by adopting a non-powerful posture or a low power posture you will increase your cortisol and lower your testosterone. People that tend to release more testosterone are willing to participate more, feel more confidence and try to take more chances, in contrast with the people that release more

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