Persuasive Essay On Blood Diamonds

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The estimated body count in a war-torn country country is in the estimated is over ten thousands for mining diamonds. The term “Blood Diamond” comes from rare rocks with a huge pay amount worth in a country's finances that are mined and shipped out of countries that are currently at war. The cost of these diamonds being mined and sold require lots of labor that is forced or is given a very small amount of pay. Blood diamonds need to stop being mined and sold because innocent people are being forced to mine these diamonds and dictator’s spare no one on their quest to find these precious rocks Many countries that give out these illegal rocks do not give the respect or compassion to their workers.“... major human rights abuses and child labour, or are beset with corruption” (Dunn). To the topic this connects because people that live in the country are being forced to work in the mines searching for these diamonds. The problem for the workers was that they were not suited for the workload they were expected to go off of. “...for the KP definition of the conflict diamonds to include ‘blood diamonds’ --or those …show more content…

“Now Taylor, the former Liberian President who reportedly ate the hearts of his enemies”(Blood Diamonds Undoing). Taylor ran his country through fear of fact and rumours to strike terror into his citizens so that they would least likely to defect from the way of his rule and authority. However terrorizing his own country is not a stopping point for his rule, he committed many crimes against his fellow people. “...convicted in 2012 of 11 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including terrorism, murder, rape and using child soldiers during a civil war…”(Blood Diamonds Undoing). This dictators had an intense and violent rule over a country that was broken over its many wars and had no sympathy for anyone below

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