Persuasive Essay On Attending College

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Attending college and living away from home for the first time in your life may seem like the moment you’ve for since grade school, as you get ready to provide for yourself and experience the real world. In a false reality, attending college may also seem like the ideal path in which every successful person takes. However, what most people don’t know is students who don’t attend college are more likely to succeed in life while raising a healthy family, having a stable income, and making the American dream a reality.

More than half of all college graduates are either unemployed, or employed at jobs that do not require a college degree. Across America, every one out of three college graduates have a job that requires nothing more than a high …show more content…

Between 2003 and 2012 the number of twenty-five-year old’s with student debt increased from twenty-five percent to forty-three percent and their average loan balance was $20,326 in 2012 – a ninety-one percent increase since 2003, and ten percent of these students graduated with over $40,000 in debt (College Education). By graduating this much in debt, it made peoples life plans get pushed back to nearly twenty years and some of the unfortunate graduates never got out of debt causing them to resort to things such as homelessness. In 2013, student loan borrowers delayed retirement saving (41%), car purchases (40%), home purchases (29%), and marriage (15%) (College Education). Back in the day when college was much more affordable, and held much less consequences, the debate of college education may have been all but invalid. However, nowadays, the cost of a quality college education comes with many risks that can be life changing including crippling depression and financial crisis’. With tuition rising faster than income, there may no longer be such thing as college in the near

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