Persuasive Essay On Assault Weapons Should Be Banned?

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Gun control

In 2010 12,996 people were murdered. So that means we need to put a ban on assault rifles, to bring down the number of deaths. Actually only 358 were committed with a rifle.

People are always talking about how things would be better if we didn't have assault rifles with “big magazines”, according to, and Jason Howerton, There were more people murdered by hands, feet, and other body parts than assault rifles. In 2010 there were 745 people killed by hands or feet, yet people still think getting assault rifles off the street will solve our problem.

I read some comments on Jason Howertons article and people keep saying things like, “In mass shootings people generally use assault rifles”. Yes they do but have you noticed that most of the mass shooting are done by someone with a sort of mental illness. We wouldn't have that problem if at gun shops before every gun was sold they did a deep background check and a medical record check to see if that person was diagnosed with any sort of mental illness. …show more content…

You would think to kill and injure that many people you would need a fully automatic ak-47 or m16 or any other automatic weapon but you don't, Cho was armed with a 9-millimeter handgun, a 22-caliber handgun and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. That just goes to prove that it's not just high powered automatic weapons causing all the destruction. Its the people with the guns that's the problem Cho later went on to take his own life but it just proves that the guns dont get up and shoot people the people with the guns are the problem. If you can kill almost 30 people with one 9-millimeter and one 22-millimeter handgun. putting a ban on assault rifles will not help

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