Persuasive Essay On Acupuncture

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In many parts of the world, acupuncture has been utilized as a way to relief and reduce pain. Acupuncture emerges from Traditional Chinese Medicines and has spread throughout the world as an alternative medicine for various conditions ranging from back pain to osteoarthritis. Acupuncture has been a controversy of Western Medicine and is known as a pseudoscience in scientific the world because it not backed up by scientific theory, rather Chinese philosophy and practice. However, despite the controversy, acupuncture has credited numerously for its results, benefits, and low-risk factors in both clinical practice and medical community. According to Christian Nordqvist of Medical News Today, “Acupuncture points are seen by Western practitioners as places where nerves, muscles and connective tissue can be stimulated.” This explains the neuroscience behind acupuncture and how it can be used to control and decrease pain. Furthermore, acupuncture has been used for menopause, immune system, throat, heart, head, back, weight, and sleep related issues. Cancer patients, for instance, accommodating acupuncture …show more content…

Or those that do not respond well to modern medicine seek alternative means of medicine. Acupuncture is an ideal substitute in some cases for traditional modern medicine because it comes with the spiritual and effective component that may physiologically and psychologically fasten the recovery process. Acupuncture improves blood circulation and flows in the body that helps regenerate and renew damaged and old cells and nerves, thereby making the healing process of efficient and effective. The multitude of benefactors associated with acupuncture, such as the low-risk component, reducing pain, boosting the immune system and blood flow, balancing hormones, etc. makes it a practical for those that can use

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