Persuasive Essay On Abortion Research Paper

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Would you have known that there are forty to fifty million abortions per year world wide and approximately one hundred and twenty five thousand abortions per day. According to
Guttmacher Institute, there were one point twenty one million abortions performed in the United
States in two thousand and eight. Based on available state level data, and estimated nine hundred and eighty four thousand abortions took place in two thousand thirteen .What Women do not know is that they are killing someone innocent who does not have a opinion about abortions . Women tend to get abortions a few months into the trimester of pregnancy. A baby’s heart beat starts to beat around six weeks. That would mean they are a month and two weeks old
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In the episode, they had hard decisions to make but did not choose to abort the baby. Many thousands of lives could be saved every year if abortions could be put to a stop . A woman should know what she is doing. There are other choices that a woman can make before having unprotected sex. She can use a condom or she can use the plan B pill the day after. Yes, in fact it is true that an adult is in charge of their own body and a woman can make any choice she wants with her child, but many women don’t understand that also in religious ways one should not kill such thing as a miracle. It’s a life, something that is living with a heart beat, not only a person but someone’s child . An unborn baby can not speak for themselves nor make their choices at that time.
Although, there are many different choices a woman can pick, they still tend to pick the hard way in killing the baby. Although abortion is legal in the United States via the landmark case of
Roe V Wade individual states can limit abortions or create ‘’trigger laws’’ which would

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