Persuasive Essay On Abortion Pro Life

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Picture this, you’re seventeen, starting your final year in high school. You’ve had your life planned out and you’re ready to take on college. You weren’t expecting your life to be flipped upside down by unplanned pregnancy. You weigh your options and decide the only way to truly accomplish your goals is to abort the baby. Of course getting an abortion comes with many setbacks, but the only way that you can continue to live your life like a normal teenager is to get an abortion. Not all of your family or community agrees with abortions, but the only way to get them to see the light is educate them. Abortion should be legal because it allows women to make the right choices for themselves, raising a child comes with intense commitment, and banning abortion would threaten the line between church and state.

Making abortion an option to women who aren’t ready for children allows them to make the right choices that fit their lives. Abortion is about allowing women to make the right decision based their age, financial stability, and relationship stability. It is not the place of our government to make decisions for women. If a women gets pregnant at a young age and is shunned by her …show more content…

Religious ideology should not be a reason for a law. Laws are suppose to be unbiased to religion and when making abortion illegal your are forcing a religion onto someone who does not believe in it. If we aren’t aloud to talk about religion in public schools, our government using religious beliefs to form a law makes no sense. Religiously, some believe that abortion is taking away a soul of a child, but they have no idea when a child receives a soul. While abortion is taking away the potential life of an unborn fetus, the baby only feels pain during an abortion after twenty weeks. Religion values life so by aborting a child they are theoretically saving the life of the

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