Persuasive Essay For And Against Nuclear Waste

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Instead of giving you superpowers, nuclear waste kills you within days if you stood near it without protection. Nuclear waste is a dangerous substance made up of the mutated uranium atoms called isotopes which are created in the process of nuclear energy (nuclear fission). Because the substance is radioactive, it is not safe to be around so it has to be locked up for thousands of years while it becomes safe to be in nature again. Many people think that nuclear energy should be shut down because nuclear waste cannot be disposed of. Nuclear power should continue even though it is hard to transport it to a safe repository. More underground storage areas should be created to combat the transportation problem and the issue of the waste should get more attention and …show more content…

More action to create more storage is being done. Nuclear waste is stored at surface level in the UK, but there are plans to create deep underground locations to lock up the waste, but they are still planning on the location (Wong, Sam). The main fear driven by the existence of nuclear waste is that the waste may get into their homes or contaminate the drinking water. Those assumptions are false, and the waste will always have somewhere to be stored as long as it is being made, so you will not have to worry about it getting into contact with you.Also, the Yucca Mountain in Nevada is a decided location to become a repository for nuclear waste and is currently in use ('Stop Dithering on Nuclear Waste' [Science Agenda]). For the nuclear power generators in the US, there is a large safe place for waste which is well funded.Nuclear waste should never come in contact with somebody who does not choose to work near it. Of course, if you do choose to work with nuclear waste so that the waste, opportunities to make the waste atomically stable are being researched with some

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