Persuasive Essay About Watching T. V.

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The average American watches over 4 hours of T.V every day. That’s 28 hours a week! That’s more than a whole day dedicated to sitting on the couch, doing nothing but watching television. For hours on end people stay inside, enjoy snacks and soda, and stretch out across a couch. Americans spend too much time watching television. It keeps Americans cooped up inside, it keeps families from spending quality time together, and it keeps Americans from getting active outside, which not only affects your physical health, but also your mental.

In America, we have many of the opportunities that other people across the globe wouldn’t even dream about. So why are we wasting all these precious opportunities doing something that will only affect us in a negative way? Watching T.V is going to keep you cooped up inside, away from the outside world. Like I said earlier, the average American spends 4 hours a day watching T.V. If you think about it, that’s more than a whole day’s worth of television a week. Many people say that they never have time for exercising, or spending time with their children or their parents. Although, us Americans …show more content…

Many televisions these days have become more and more affordable. Making them available to many Americans across the country. People with T.V’s often spend a whole lot of time watching it. That means more and more Americans are being restricted from getting outside and getting active. When your watching T.V, you are probably eating snack or a meal, and drinking soda or juice. So not only is your favorite T.V show keeping you from getting outside, it makes sure that you are able to access all the junk food you want in your cabinet. Staying inside watching movies and shows instead of going outside is like eating mcdonalds every day of your life. It won’t benefit you in any way, and it will negatively affect your

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