Persuasive Essay About Refugees

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As Angelina Jolie states “ In countries where people have to flee their homes because of persecution and violence, political solutions must be found, peace and tolerance restored so that refugees can return home. In my experience, going home is the deepest wish of most refugees.” She is saying that refugees don’t want to leave their homes or the families behind. They’re only leaving because of the conflict that the country is dealing with. The refugee crisis happening right now is similar tothe crisis that happened in Vietnam. Except, it turned out to be worse because now the regions that most refugees flee from are coming from a country that has terrorist. It’s hard for those that have no connection with any terrorist and can’t be accepted to a new country because of where they’re from. The US should be helping all refugees. It shouldn’t matter what race, color, or the religion they …show more content…

But ever since social media and news report, people started to see the horrible circumstances that the Syrians have to face every day. “50% of US citizen said that refugees would be welcome in their state or community.” (Kathleen Newland) “ A good majority of US citizen would like to see Syrian refugees.” (Kathleen Newland) As one can see, a good amount of people doesn’t have a problem with Syrian refugees. Others say that we shouldn’t accept refugees. “Americans oppose plans for the US to take 10,000 refugees.” (Ariane de Vogue) “ They come from the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism.” (Ariane de Vogue) Many people don’t want Syrians because they are from a country that has a history of being involved with terrorist. But not all Syrians are terrorist. The US citizen shouldn’t racial profile them and say that every single Syrian is a terrorist. That just makes America look

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