Persuasive Essay About Dogs

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Furry Friends
People view dogs in many different ways, as their protector, as their cuddle buddy or even as their child. April Pederson talks about the many ways of how pet owners treat their dogs. She talks about how people may have taken it too far. April talks about how dogs can’t do everything we do; it’s not like they are humans. But pet owners now an days expect much more for their pampered pooches. Are we taking it too far for our so called “children”? As April writes her story it can go from Master-dog all the way Worshiper-God. It has many different levels.
Dogs have been around for so many years, we have domesticated them, we have adopted them, trained them; we have taken it to so many levels it is unbelievable. Some people treat dogs like their own children because they are passionate for living things like that. Why does it really matter if they view their dog that way? It doesn’t, some people don’t even like dogs and that’s fine. Dogs can be so valuable to us, dogs have that sense that something is wrong and know when to comfort us, they protect us, …show more content…

Many like when couples can’t conceive turn to adopting a fur baby. And that is when it happens, people start treating their pet like an actual child. A dog can mean so much to a person, dogs can warm our hearts. Dogs are used in many ways like on the police force, where they are strictly for protection and not cuddly stuff, but that doesn’t mean you can’t show them affection. What would happen if you didn’t show a dog affection? Or even take it to the point of why do you even have a dog if you aren’t going to show a dog affection? Dogs are loving companions. Michael Casey wrote a column about how dogs and people bond through eye contact. He put it as, “it’s part of their effort to communicate with us.” They can read us like the back of their paw. “Dogs can read their owners moods.” He has many facts that prove dogs really can understand

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