Persuasive Essay About Buffalo Chicken

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Hook: Ever wanted a spicy, tasty, well prepared bite to eat ? The buffalo chicken fits that description perfectly, it’s something I personally love eating. I would eat it every day if I could, I get it at most restaurants I go to if they serve it. The buffalo chicken wrap originated from buffalo first being served in a bar in 1939, ever since the wrap was served it’s been a hit ever since.

The recipe for the home cooked buffalo chicken wrap can be a simple or difficult one depends on how familiar you are in the kitchen. First, you would need a tablespoon of 1 tablespoon vegetable oil that you would have to heat up to let it spread. Second, you would need a tablespoon of butter that you spread on the pan after the vegetable oil spreads.
But for the buffalo chicken wrap the recipe doesn’t really change much, but the first thing you would need is chicken. Second thing you would need is egg mixture, third thing you would need is panko breadcrumbs. Fourth thing is buffalo sauce and some hot sauce. Fifth thing you would need is a heated tortilla, maybe more than one. Last thing you would need is ranch dressing or bleu cheese dressing.At home the preparation to cook buffalo chicken wraps would differ from restaurant cooked buffalo chicken. After getting the ingredients, some tools you would need is a knife and fork. You would be using your hands until it came time to cut the lettuce as well as cut the bread so both pieces of bread are even. You would also need a frying pan as well as a pan for the chicken to go on and cook. After that all you need is a stove to cook the food on. In a restaurant the preparation for cooking buffalo chicken wraps is slightly different. In a restaurant there is a team assigned to a chef that helps that chef prepare and cook food. First thing this team would do when cooking buffalo chicken wraps would be cutting up pieces of chicken maybe eight or so. Second thing this team would do is put the sliced chicken in flour and pound the chicken so it would be nice and tender and cook evenly. Third thing this team would do is put the chicken in a egg mixture and let it cover the chicken for a
The stove and oven you are using to cook the wraps have to be completely cleared. Your ingredients must be on the side of the stove so nothing happens to them. Besides a cooking pan to put the chicken on another dish you may use is a bowl to mix the flour and chicken together other than that your process will occur on cooking pans. Before you start cooking, whoever the chef may be at home has to wash the chicken with water and thoroughly rinse the chicken with water that’s how the chicken would stay clean.The cooking process for buffalo chicken wraps in a restaurant is different than cooking at home. The team who is assigned to complete this meal must first wash the chicken before slicing the chicken, before the chicken can be sliced the tools must be washed that’s how the chicken will be kept clean. Since the cooking will be done in a restaurant the stove has to be kept clean and other stoves around it can’t be turned on so the meal can be done well. Another dish that the chef would be using besides a pan would be a bowl so that the chicken can be mixed with egg

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