Persuasive Essay

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Since women are naturally maternal and nurturing they obtained the role as the family’s primary caretaker, while the men became the providers for the home. For centuries these gender roles were strictly stuck too. Women stayed at home and did house work as their husbands went out and had a career. Thankfully, society is starting to shed this ideology on gender roles. More women are starting to work proactively in the “mans world”, but they are straining to advance to high executive positions throughout corporate companies. A lot of this is due to a women’s fertility. While the stereotype of women being strictly housewives has diminished, the mentality that women are too maternal is prevalent in business life. Due to this outlook women are perceived to be unable to take on the stressful pressures business prevails, giving reason to why for years women were only secretaries and clerks in business where they received little room for progression in their careers. A great deal of reasoning behind this struggle is due to the Great Man Theory. Author of “Inequality Between Genders in the Executive Suite in Corporate America: Moral and Ethical Issues” Dean Elmuti, describes this theory as society’s perception that men are the superior beings and should be the protectors and providers, while women are weak, helpless and should stay home to raise the family (1). Consequently, this view has led to an increased emergence of men as business managers and the leaders of the country, thus defending the male dominance in the corporate industry, but also preserving the discrimination against women entering the business domain. This theory and mentality that women can’t handle business life is infuriating. However, what is more distressing is due to... ... middle of paper ... ... relocate. More of her time is taken up the children instead of being in the office, resulting in less time invested into the company. As Perry and Gundersen put it, simply “women are missing from the workforce” (2). Therefore providing reason to why women are more improbable to receiving a high executive position. Statistically, there has been a proven correlation between the amount of pay and the time spent in the office, but that refers to any person working is business, not matter what gender, but only women are being reprimanded. This mindset doesn’t give the right for companies to block women from advancing in their careers due the fact they may want children and a family, but women can’t just sit back and let companies abuse the fact that women are fertile. Companies alternatively should be the ones faced with penalties, but they won’t unless something done.

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