Personal Trainer Observation Report

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1. Decaffeinated Coffee Shop
Offered differently: While examining individuals in coffee establishments, I realized that many requested decaffeinated coffee, which normally was unavailable, stale, otherwise cold. a coffee establishment which utilizes a distinctive water-based decaffeination technique to remove most of the caffeine while conserving the beans' integrity would an extraordinary goblet of coffee without the huff of caffeine. Additionally, this type of coffee shop would only serve decaffeinated coffee; whereas, offering a premium substitution for those coffee devotees who, for communal motivations, anxiety rationalizes, or health incentives, simply don’t want to get hyped up at early in the morning. (Martinko, K., 2015)
2. Train/Bus Station Alert App …show more content…

An app which details a trains or bus departure and arrival times and routes plus estimates the time one requires to get from where they are to the station promptly can be a first-rate service solution. For instance, United Airlines free app to monitor flight communication and follow departure status and boarding times.
3. Personal Trainer App
At the gym, I heard people wanting to employ a private trainer to help them maintain a schedule. While, hiring a personal trainer is expensive, conversely, without any guidance, initiating a new fitness routine is frightening and confusing. A personal trainer app can be an affordable substitute for those who are rather technologically savvy, app fabrication has developed into a colossal industry in recent years. You can offer a service apps for fitness industries otherwise create your personal training apps for retail.
4. Harness Nice Scents in Business

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