Personal Statement: Why I Should Accept Me

877 Words2 Pages

Demetria Magazine
Ms. Milliner

As I'm sitting here writing this personal statement I'm stuck. I don't know what to say. Im supposed to talk about who I am and why you should accept me. The truth is I only recently discovered who I was and I still am. I'm still trying to figure out where I fit in, in this world. Now that I'm writing this I realize I don't fit in anywhere. I guess it all started when I was 6. My mom got really sick and was diagnosed with cancer. I was too young to fully understand what this meant but all these years later I finally know. When I was 7 I came home from school and the phone rang. It was the doctor calling to say my mom had died. At the time it didn't affect me, I didn't know how to …show more content…

I didn't have the same drive I did for school anymore. I just wanted to chill and have fun. I thought that was what high school was about and it is but so are grades. Freshmen and sophomore year i didn't realize how important school was. Junior year hit me hard. All everyone was talking about was college. This is when I really started to think about what I wanted to do. I was lost maybe because I didn't really know who I was. My family life isn't that great but I won't complain. All I can do is accept the fact that this is my life. However because of this I really don't know what I want to do because I don't know where I belong. In my opinion, I don't belong anywhere. This brought me back to elementary when everyone didn't like me because I didn't fit in. Today I embrace it. I don't just want to be good in one field I want to be good in everything I love to do. Whether it be culinary arts, fashion merchandising, design, photography etc. Junior year is when I realized I wanted to go to college and it changed my whole perspective on life. I began to gain the drive I had in middle school. I had to grow up and I did. This is my senior year and my top majors I want to have in college is culinary arts and fashion merchandising. I love fashion and I also love to eat. I figured fashion would be a great career field for me to be in because it allows me to be creative and different. Culinary Arts also allows me to be creative just with food. I'm getting

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