Personal Statement On Algebra

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I'm close to graduating and I thought that I should thank you for getting me this far. I love math, but sometimes math gets the best of me and I have no one to reach out to. My mom couldn't remember algebra and geometry very well and my math teachers did help, but I had so many questions and there's only one of them with 30 students in the room. However, with you, you're always there to check my arithmetic and clear things up for me in the time we have. I could also call you if anything came up or if I need any clarification. Thank you very much for that it means so much to this huge over-thinker. I remember when you taught me how to multiply polynomials. In class, I had no clue what I was doing. It was like reading a foreign language. No …show more content…

Aside from Proofs, I hated foil. The concept didn't make any sense: you must multiply the first terms, multiply the outer terms, multiply the inner terms, multiply the last terms, list the four results of FOIL in order then combine like terms. It's sounded so easy but when she showed me the process I couldn't keep up. It got to the point where I just gave up on it entirely. When I asked my classmates they were either as clueless as me or when they explained their “Kurt Godel loophole” of the version it completely stumped me. My brain became scrambled. I was ready to give up. I refused to use foil and the methods my teacher was using didn't click in my brain. Algebra had finally conquered me or so I'd thought. We met up on Saturday and when you explained it to me it was as if I was looking at a different piece of paper. You gave me your method of dealing with polynomials and suddenly it looked like it was asking me what "two plus two" was. Through my mind, I was thinking: ‘I had trouble with this? It's so easy, a baby could do it. I'm so stupid for not getting this the first time.' The way you taught me how to use the “3rd-grade” multiplication method was amazing. After that, I didn't even want to use any other method because I liked so

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