Personal Statement: Immigration To The United States

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College essay
You all know that how it feels when you are born and enter a whole new country. You are thoroughly unshaped because you are not familiar with a new place where you born. Also, you are like a blank paper that requires being filled as the time passed. I was not that active. When I came to the US, this country helps me to shape, more friendly, and who get me close to myself. In addition, I come more proximate to myself to visually perceive what I am and help me acquainted what I want to do. I was shy to talk in front of people and recollected stuff genuinely but I had a hard time to commit in front of everyone which pushed me down and hidden my talent. Since I was in middle school, I attract with chemistry and enjoyed doing experiments …show more content…

I got frightened because my mom doesn't know what I was doing. I just verbally expressed “nothing, just searching for food” and she caught me doing it. On that day my mom serialized to my dad that when I grow up I be the pharmacist according to what I am doing. As time passed when that time finally came when I have to leave my country and have to come to the entire new country which is the United State Of America. When I was leaving my country, I asked my big brother that “Is the new country that we are going is same as India? Are we able to fit in that country?” At that movement I scare, I put myself down. When my mom saw that me, she suddenly said “don't worry my sister you are a most intelligent girl in the world you can definitely fit into that place” and that statement urges me and gives me full of confidence to shape myself in a whole new country. After I entered the incipient country I face many situations that help me shape in a better way, such as the first day of my school where I entered a school checked my schedule and its says homeroom too goes. I go by my homeroom, but I felt uncomfortable because I was expecting a hall room but it was a small regular room. I go back and ask a teacher “ where is this room located” she gets me to that room instead of laughing at me. That help me

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