Personal Statement: Duties, Roles And Responsibilities

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Creates and delivers engaging lessons to diverse groups of students at all levels. Promotes enthusiasm for learning and for subjects. Adheres to national curriculum standards. Collects and reports on correct and detailed records of student performance. Maintains classroom order.
In my place of Work as a Teacher, the following are my Duties, Roles and Responsibilities:
I Develops lesson plans which meeting the school and national curriculum models. I also adapt and reassesses lesson plans to meet specific student needs, comply with newly implemented guidelines or rules, and to update relevant information and include new developments in education. Manages the diverse ability levels of students by adapting curriculum to fit student needs while …show more content…

I Communicates with all other staff members who engage with students both internally and externally. I also Communicates with parents as per school guidelines on a regular basis, including presenting student progress reports and informing parents of requisite student discipline and maintains order and discipline among students while promoting safety and compliance with school rules and guidelines. I attend occasional continuing education seminars which serve as my annual CPD (Continue Professional Development). I Attends and takes part in school meetings on curriculum, organisation, and guidelines.
My Role as a Tutor
To entitle everyone to equal rights and opportunities
I would set out boundaries or ground rules to ensure a level playing field.
To identify and eliminate all forms of discrimination
I would use and expect language, attitudes and actions that are free of bias, stereotyping and discrimination.
To respect different cultures, lifestyles, abilities and views.
I would encourage and show mosaic art examples from various religions and countries
To encourage learners to reach their potential
I would teach art that is very focussed on encouragement and confidence to create a design …show more content…

As a result, I am better prepared to structure my scheme of work. It could be argued that a teacher has many roles, perhaps even as a guide, a mentor, and a provider of inspiration and imagination.
A child or young person has special educational needs (SEN) if he or she has learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for him or her to learn than most other children and young people of about the same age.
Early years settings, schools, colleges and other organisations can help most children and young people overcome the barriers their difficulties present quickly and easily. A few children and young people will need extra help for some or all their time an early year setting, school or college.
In my place of work, if I discover my Learners that has a Special educational need could mean that such learners has: learning difficulties - in acquiring basic skills in an early year setting, school or

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